

Welcome to my blog! I often use this as a way to express my feelings or frustration with situations. Hope you enjoy reading it and it serves to provide you with a little entertainment as well.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Future Lawyers?

So I have one very important question. When will my kids stop arguing?

If I have to be the judge and jury one more time on who did it, who is grounded, and who is going to pay for it if I come in there one more time I might just scream. They continually whine and fight and blame the other and my ears are at a point where I am sure they may just start to bleed. The thing that gets me is the oldest whining about how it's all her fault as he is getting punished and sent to his room he is crying between bouts of possessed accusatory rants about how "YOU MADE ME GET IN TROUBLE, but mommmmeeeeeeee wahhhhhh  leave me a lone YOU DID THIS"!! Mooooooooooom oooooo. The other is crying and smiling slyly at the same time not quite sure how much trouble she is in yet but clearly wanting to enjoy her victory rejoicing on the inside about how she has sent her brother over the edge before her sentence is carried out. I have explained this to him several times that you are 7 she is 4, dont' give her what she wants. If you are willing to SCREAM at her over singing the wrong lyrics to a song (which by the way she is doing on purpose just to piss you off and get you in trouble...mission accomplished) then you are actually at fault for not controlling your emotions. I don't give a good gosh darn if she is singing Pdiddy had a farm and bingo was his name o boots with the fur nothin on your face babe. It isn't reaching out and grabbing you and you aren't bleeding from it so NO BODY YELLS (I'm yelling now) IN THIS HOUSE AGAIN ARE WE CLEAR?!!!!!?
           Don't get me wrong though, that little one is a crazy type of devious vindictive little rascal. I am convinced her goal in life is to see him upset. No matter how many times she is grounded, or scolded, or punished, or toys taken away. If she can inflict emotional distress on the boy even if she has to pay for it later, well her mouth waters just thinking about it. Gladly serving a nights stay in her room over and over again she lives with no regrets. Only one thought running through her mind, at any and all cost make him pay. Pay? Pay For what? Well your guess is as good as mine because if you asked me, he just isn't worth it. She does her job and is good at it except for one little thought that hadn't crossed her mind... I wrote the book on that honey and it's copy written. I hold the patent, the rights, and they are reserved chick! So for every emotional breakdown you put him through just know that I will be there to ground you as well because I know 96% of the time you are behind his frustration (just ask your aunt or grandma).
         Now uunfortunately he isn't catching on to the game fast enough, I hate to punish him but a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. Hopefully he heeds my advice from behind enemy lines and lets her fall from grace alone. Either way I am going to invest in ear plugs because if one more person tries to plead their case to me about why it is her and not me or he and not I might just ground every kid in America! Let's hope they are just practicing for law school or that they learn to get along because living in my home has been quite unbearable for the past few weeks and I might institute muzzles if I am referee for one more brawl.
                I know some are snickering right now. Some that are related to me may even be daring to think the words that I some how deserved this hell....let me tell you two things. I shall remind you there was only one of me, and are you free to babysit? :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rude People

And now deep thoughts

For those of you who hate your jobs. Here are some tips to help you get through your day.

1. Don't be mean to me because Heaven forbid I contact you to get things acomplished and now you

might have to do about 1/4th of what you are actually getting paid to do. Despite what you might think, I didn't wake up thinking of ways to ruin your day and actually I would rather not interact with you at all.

2. Did you know that your job is not the only one in the world and you could do something that is called apply for a different one? Here is how it works. It's kind of the same thing that you did right before you got that job that you go to every day and curse those that dare to speak to you. Except for this time you pick the job you want, one that won't cause you to sacrifice small animals at the end of the day and then apply.

3. I am not the one that hired you so don't blame me. I actually have some questions about that decision.

4. There are plenty of people without jobs in this economy right now, maybe you should spend just 4 hours with the ones that actually want to work and then see how much you hate what you do. I gaurantee sittin on your keister scowling at people and getting paid for it, is a heck of a lot better than pounding the streets applying for anything and everything while worrying whether or not you will have enough to pay your bills.

5. Did you know that pissing and moaning about it on a regular basis doesn't improve how you actually feel about being in the place where you will spend most of your life? On the contrary it will actually just make you appear pathetic. Try one thing for me. The next person that comes up and talks to you, smile and listen to what they need, then do it. See how they didn't call you a witch when they walked away? Felt good didn't it? All of your days could be like this :)

6. Everyone is entitled to a bad day, yours was over 364 days ago...move on

7. Did you know that probably over half the world doesn't actually click their heels togethor on the way out the door in the morning? This means the rest of us are probably just as miserable as you, we just do something called deal with it. No one is ever 100% happy all the time, we just realize it isn't the entire worlds fault we are pissy. We take it out in other ways like laugh at the person who tripped up the escalator or switch out the sugar for salt. You know the smaller things in life.

8. Final tip....if you git loud wit me, prepare for me to call SaCURRRRRity :)

So remember if I come to your drive through window, checkout lane, or dial your extension in customer service.....There is always the option of quitting? Because if you keep it up there is something you should know... I look nice and I might be nice most of the time....if you mess with my emotions and I am giving you my money, I will spit fire at your blankity blank blank

Have a nice day now :)


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